Readymade Garments
The foundation of textile sector was first established in the 60th decade of 19th century. For the first time, the industry exported shirts (Mercury shirt) to the European market in 1965-66, which was produced from Karachi. In the latter, 9 exporting industries were available in 1977-78. The three largest industries in that time were Riaz Garments, Jewel Garments and Paris Garments. Among those, Riaz Garments was the most famous and oldest industry in that time.
In the earlier stage, Riaz Garments of Mohammad Reaz Uddin started its business with some tailoring shop in the name of Riaz store. In the later, the name turned into Riaz Garments from Riaz store in 1973 and from 1978 the company started exporting products in the abroad by exporting 1 million pieces of shirts in the South Korean Company named “Olanda”. “Desh Garments” is another pioneer of Bangladesh RMG sector. In 1979, Desh Garments started a joint project with South Korean company “Daiyuu”.
At the same time, several garments were introduced such as-Stylecraft limited by Shamsur Rahman, Aristocraft Limitd by AM Subid Ali, Azim Group by Engineer Mohammad Fazlul Azim and Sunman Group by Major (Retd) Abdul Mannan.
By following the beginners of RMG sector, some others discreet and hard-working entrepreneurs started their RMG business in the country. From there, RMG sector of Bangladesh was developing day by day and not needed to look back. Though this sector had passed various critical stages through the path. In that time, we learned about child labour 1994 and in 1995 we made our garments industry free from child labour very successfully.
Present Situation of RMG Sector in Bangladesh:
Quota system was a great blessing for establishing our garments industry. We were strongly benefited by using that. As a result we can see a matured garments industry today. But while quota system was approaching to an end in 2004, there’s so many got upset about the RMG sector of Bangladesh. Though in the latter it can’t be affected here as the experts were seemed. We conquered the post quota challenges and made that a successful story.
In RMG sector of Bangladesh, there are more than 5000 garment factories (private statistics) at the current time, employing more than 12 lack labours, where 85% of the labour force is women. But, according to BGMEA the number of garment factories in Bangladesh around 4000. Now, RMG industry is the countries largest export earner with the value of over $24.49bn of exports in the last financial year. Its a great news for us that, Bangladesh is clearly ahead from other South Asian suppliers in terms of capacity of the ready made garments industry.
Though, there are various types of garments are manufactured in Bangladesh, but all the ready made garments are classified into two broad categories, where one is woven products and another one is knitted products. Woven products includes Shirts, Pants and Trousers. On the other hand, knitted product includes T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Undergarments, Socks, Stockings and Sweaters. Woven garments still dominates the export earnings of the country.From BGMEA website its seen that, Day by day knitted items production is increasing in considerable rate and now about 40% export earnings has achieved from knitted products.
Contribution of RMG Sector to the National Economy:
The role RMG sector in Bangladesh economy is remarkable. It’s seen that, from the last decade, RMG sector contributes to the national economy in considerable rate. About 76% of total export earnings come from RMG sector. From a statistics it’s known that, in FY 2003-04 RMG sector of Bangladesh earned US$ 5,686.06 million, in FY 2004-05 the value was US$ 6,417.67.67 million, in FY 2005-06 the value was US$ 7900.80 million, in FY 2006-07 the value was US$ 9,211.23 million, in FY 2007-08 the value was US$ 10,699.80 million, in FY 2008-09 the value was US$ 12.35 billion and finally in FY 2013-14 the value stands at $24.49billion.
The mian key fcactors which has great influence on RMG sector of Bangladesh are in the following:
- Vast labor force,
- Skilled human resources,
- Technological upgrades,
- Government supports for textile and clothing,
- Special economic/export processing zones,
- Creation of textile and clothing villages,
- Incentive for use of local inputs,
- Duty reduction for the import of inputs/machines,
- Income tax reduction,
- And international supports like GSP, GSP+, duty free access etc.